Master the art of lead generation to attract premium clients and scale your freelancing career
An agency owner himself who started from scratch
He has mastered the secrets to high-paying clients and success
If you’re ready to build a thriving freelancing career, this session is for you!
Those looking to start or grow their freelancing career as their major.
Monetize your skills, gain independence, and expand career opportunities.
Build various income streams, test ideas, and grow your network.
Learn how to attract premium clients without spending on ads. Use social media, content marketing, and networking to generate inbound leads. Also, build a strong personal brand.
Discover how to use webinars to educate, engage, and convert potential clients. Learn how to structure, promote, and deliver high-value sessions. Turn attendees into loyal clients effortlessly.
Master the art of running profitable ad campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and Google. Understand targeting, budgeting, and optimization. Generate a steady flow of high-quality leads with minimal cost.
Leverage influencer marketing to expand your reach and attract premium clients. Learn how to collaborate with influencers in your niche. Drive conversions by using their audience and credibility.
Lakshit Sethiya, the founder of Social Sellar Academy, is a seasoned freelancer and social media marketing expert who has helped thousands of freelancers transform their businesses. Starting from scratch, Lakshit built a thriving freelance career by mastering the art of driving revenue through strategic digital marketing. With his freelancing experience, Lakshit has developed a proven system that enables freelancers to leverage social media to build profitable personal brands, attract high paying clients, and generate sustainable income.
Look what our students have to say...
The mentor’s practical guidance was a game-changer for me. He made complex freelancing concepts simple and gave me clear, actionable steps to start my career. With his tips, I’ve already generated high-paying leads.
I loved how the mentor shared real-world experiences and actionable tips. I now feel confident to start my freelance journey!
The mentor’s expertise and clear explanations made all the difference! You should not miss it out.
Yes, you’ll be certified for attending this session.
Official certificate from us to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects.
Easily shareable certificate for your portfolio to post on all platforms available.
Use your certificate to enhance your professional credibility and stand out among your peers.
Definitely, freelancing is the next big thing and we will teach you the exact formula to learn, grow, and get clients. You can’t miss this one!
We do not have any refund policy for this session. Refunds will only be initiated if the session is cancelled by Bizgurukul due to unavoidable circumstances.
You can email us at [email protected] and we'll get back to you shortly.
The session is in Hinglish which is a mixture of both the languages.